Frequently Asked Questions

Who is sydney?

Sydney is a 22-year-old female from Pasadena, CA. Born on June 4, 2001, she shares her birthday with her twin brother who is three minutes older. Sydney also has an older brother as well, and two younger brothers (furry friends), Cooper & Koda. Both of her parents love her dearly, but complain she’s a pain in the butt most of the time.

What is “B” in “SydneyB”?

Her last name, Brown, like the color.

WHat is Sydney’s favorite place to eat at?

Chipotle, it’s her life.

Where did sydney go to college? What did she study?

Sydney went north and attended the University of Oregon. She graduated in June 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Public Relations and minored in Sports Business. With her full-time studies, she took what she was learning in the classroom and applied it to her internship with Oregon Athletics.

WHat did sydney do with oregon athletics?

Heading into her junior year, Sydney landed an internship with the Communications Department. As a Communications intern, she facilitated press conferences and interviews, creating content for social media and the official GoDucks website, transcribing post-game Interviews, creating content for media guides, record books, and flip cards using Photoshop and InDesign, as well as assisted with in-game operations.

WHat does sydney do with rose bowl stadium?

As a Communications Assistant at the Rose Bowl Stadium, Sydney supports the Director of Communications in shaping the stadium's public image. She assists in public relations, community relations, event ticketing, digital archives, and media support. This role involves creating content for the website and social media, managing digital archives, coordinating media events, and contributing to marketing materials. Additionally, Sydney works on special projects and possess graphic design and photography skills to enhance the stadium’s communications efforts.